Livre blanc « Bonne Impression : Paradoxes du Recruteur »

According to I.O.D., assessing applicants is a rigorous and personalized process that can be adapted to any type of job and any level of hierarchy, from operator to director. Our goal is to

IOD Fundamentals

Structured IOD Core Reference Framework

Our approach is based on the IOD Core Competency Framework, which is distinguished by its ability to

Highly structured assessment process

Our assessment methodology includes

This approach guarantees

Tools and approach

Choice of tests

To avoid a proliferation of tests, we focus on

Should specific needs arise, we have access to a large number of scientifically validated tests from major publishers, in French and English.

Focus on transversal skills

We focus on assessing transversal skills because they are

Why the IOD approach?

Speed and Efficiency

Our methodology allows us to

Transparency and Fairness

We provide in-depth, transparent debriefings that:

Collaboration and personalization

To always give our best, our work is based on

IOD Commitment

IOD is committed to providing

IOD Facteurs Humains : BP KO 205 - 98830 Dumbea
Tél : +687 283879 — Bureaux: 14 rue E. Porcheron — Quartier Latin - 98800 Nouméa